Dr.-Ing. Stella Graßhof
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Stella Graßhof left the Institut für Informationsverabeitung.
Publications and research activities from the time after the departure are not listed here.

Stella Graßhof studied Computational Life Science at the University of Lübeck. She received her Master of Science degree in March 2012 working on image registration of fluid flows ("Registrierung von Flussdaten" ) at the Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing. Since April 2012 she is working as a research assistant towards her PhD degree at the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung (TNT) at the Leibniz Universität Hannover.

Research Interests

Show recent publications only
  • Conference Contributions
    • Sami Brandt, Hanno Ackermann, Stella Graßhof
      Uncalibrated Non-Rigid Factorisation by Independent Subspace Analysis
      Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, Seoul, Korea, October 2019
    • Maren Awiszus, Stella Graßhof, Felix Kuhnke, Jörn Ostermann
      Unsupervised Features for Facial Expression Intensity Estimation over Time
      Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), June 2018
    • Stella Graßhof, Hanno Ackermann, Felix Kuhnke, Jörn Ostermann, Sami Brandt
      Projective Structure from Facial Motion
      15th IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA) (accepted), Nagoya (Japan), May 2017
    • Stella Graßhof, Hanno Ackermann, Sami Brandt, Jörn Ostermann
      Apathy is the Root of all Expressions
      12th IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2017), Washington D.C., USA, 2017
    • Stella Graßhof, Hanno Ackermann, Jörn Ostermann
      Estimation of Face Parameters using Correlation Analysis and a Topology Preserving Prior
      14th IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), Tokyo, May 2015
    • Stella Graßhof, Jörn Ostermann
      Performance of Image Registration and Its Extensions for Interpolation of Facial Motion
      PSIVT 2013 Workshops, Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Sciences (LNCS), pp. 216--227, October 2013
  • Journals
    • Stella Graßhof, Hanno Ackermann, Sami Brandt, Jörn Ostermann
      Multilinear Modelling of Faces and Expressions
      Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), IEEE, April 2020
  • Technical Report
    • Felix Kuhnke, Stella Graßhof, Jörn Ostermann
      Das Gesicht als Interface zwischen Mensch und Maschine - Wie wir zukünftig mit Robotern kommunizieren
      Unimagazin - Forschungsmagazin der Leibniz Universität Hannover, pp. 14-16, Hannover, 2016
Other activities


An demo-application for one female Talking Head (running on Windows) can be found here.

An animatable 3D face reconstruction from sparse 2D landmarks (obtained from an image) [MVA 2015]:


Open Theses Topics

I will soon leave the institute and hence do not supervise student projects anymore. If you are interested in this field of research or just in general looking for a topic for your thesis, please contact colleagues.

Supervised Theses

  • "Automatic Face Analysis from Videos", (MA, Mahmoud Abousereaa, finalized 2019)
  • "Schätzung von 3D Gesichtern aus Bildern mit einem 3D Gesichtsmodell und zusätzlichen Kanteninformationen", (Studienarbeit, Junnan Li, finalized 2018)
  • "Estimation of Corresponding 3D Faces from 3D Face Scans", (Studienarbeit of Martin Pintjak, finalized 2018)
  • "Increasing the Spatial Resolution of 3D Surfaces Using Images", (MA, finalized 2017)
  • "Temporal Alignment of 3D-Sequences of Facial Expressions", (MA, finalized 2017)
  • "Estimation of high-resolution Correspondences of 3D Face Scans", (BA, finalized 2017)
  • "Correspondence Estimation of 3D Facial Point Sets", (MA, finalized 2016)
  • "Influence of Modelmatrix Choices in Statistical Models for Face Representation", (BA, finalized 2015)
  • "Facial Feature Point Detection", (student project, 2015)
  • "Comparison of Frame Interpolation Techniques for Mouth Sequences", (BA, finalized 2013)