The Home of Machine Learning at Leibniz University Hannover

  • Our work on Quantized Inverse Design for Photonic Integrated Circuits has been accepted for publication in the ACS Omega journal! The source code and accompanying release of our FDTD implementation is available via Github. Additionally, we will present results of comparing our implementation against other FDTD engines at the Photonics West conference in San Francisco.

The “Institut für Informationsverarbeitung” (Institute for Information Processing) is the home of machine learning at the Leibniz University Hannover. We focus on three main research directions, namely (I) computer vision & representation learning, (II) signal processing & -coding and (III) automated machine learning. Our methods range from deep learning, automated machine learning, reinforcement learning, image analysis, remote sensing and compression of audio, image, video as well as DNA to biomedical data. Our efforts are directed towards making efficient use of multi-modal and high dimensional data for reliable predictions, ultimately supporting end-users, developers and decision makers in a vast range of applications.

Since the foundation in 1973, the institute holds a strong tradition of cultivating connections to industry partners and jointly developing solutions to automatically process and harness information. Some of the developed methodology were successfully spun-off commercially as for instance with driver assistance modules, cochlear implants or component testing. The institute is also well known for being actively involved in the standardization of MP3, MPEG-2, AVC (H.264), HEVC (H.265) as well as MPEG-G.

Do you want to join us? We have open positions.

Current Spotlight
Action Recognition
Action Recognition (more...)

DAC: Dynamic Algorithm Configuration
Algorithm Configuration (AC) aims to optimize algorithm performance by automating important decisions like hyperparameter settings and algorithm choice. Both theoretical and empirical results have shown, however, that only making these decisions once at the beginning of an algorithm run is often not optimal. Instead, the best configuration often depends on the current timestep and algorithm's state. Therefore Dynamic Algorithm Configuration (DAC) learn configuration schedules that fit the current state to improve overall performance. (more...)

"As a PhD student at the Institute, I benefit not only from the excellent research infrastructure, but also from a supportive and inspiring academic environment that stimulates my scientific curiosity. I can highly recommend the Institute to prospective researchers who want to develop their full potential in a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment."
Stephanie Kristin Schröder