Audio and Speech Signal Processing

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Waldo Nogueira


Exercises and labs supervised by: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Waldo Nogueira

Course Numbers: 36460 (Lecture), 36462 (Exercises/Labs) Dates (Winter Semester 2016/2017, preliminary, 4 CP):
Lecture dates (preliminary):
(Raum 1307, Gebaeude 3408: Mehrzweckgebäude) Termine am Fr. 21.10., Fr. 28.10., Fr. 11.11., Fr. 25.11., Fr. 02.12., Fr. 09.12., Fr. 16.12., Fr. 23.12., Fr. 20.01. 09:00-11:00
Excercise dates (preliminary):
(Raum 1307, Gebaeude 3408: Mehrzweckgebäude) Fr. 28.10., Fr. 11.11., Fr. 25.11., Fr. 02.12., Fr. 09.12., Fr. 16.12., Fr. 23.12., Fr. 20.01. 11:00-12:00
(Raum 1122, Gebaeude 3408: Mehrzweckgebäude) Fr. 04.11., Fr. 18.11., Fr. 13.01., Fr. 27.01. 09:00-11:00

Vorläufige Veranstaltungs- und Raumübersicht


Goals of the Lecture

In this Lecture the students will develop a methodology to analyze code, recognize and synthesize audio signals using signal processing techniques. More concrete the student should acquire the theoretical and practical competences related to:


Necessary Prior Knowledge:
Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing, Probability and Information Theory.

Non necessary (but recommended) Prior Knowledge:
Knowledge of the Lectures: "Digitale Signalverarbeitung", "Statistische Methoden der Nachrichtentechnik", "Informationstheorie" and "Quellencodierung" , Fundamentals of Matlab.

Basic Literature

Additional Literature

Supplementary Lectures
