Entwicklung von neuartigen Algorithmen zum (Chroma-)Keying für ein hardwareimplementiertes, echtzeitfähiges System zum Chromakeying für Filmproduktionen

TNT members involved in this project:
Dipl.-Math. Patrick Klie
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Goal of the project is the "development of a hardware implemented, real-time system for Chromakeying in movie productions". Chromakeying is a method of image processing making separate recordings and consolidation of foreground and background possible. In a classic sense, a unicolor background (blue- or greenscreen) is used in order to recognise the background by means of colors (Chromakey). The novel system has to fulfill the following conditions: cinema and movie qualtiy, real time capability, working with arbitrary backgrounds, where applicable: possibility of camera movements, hardware implementation.

See Background. One of the outstanding goals is the possibility of Keying with arbitrary (but static) background together with dynamic foreground objects and moving camera. The system should be capable of building neat foreground borders. Also, the colors of the foreground object should fit to the colors of the new background.

Roughly speaking, the project is divided into two working parts. The one working part covers the research on software algorithm components, while the other part relates to the hardware and real-time aspects. For the unicolor case, classical approaches are used. For the second case, the scene is recorded without foreground objects.