Rule-Based Initialisation of Converter Dominated Grids

TNT members involved in this project:
Dr.-Ing. Marco Munderloh
Sophie Matter, M. Sc.
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In a future energy grid, operated from renewable, mostly decentral energy sources, the stability of the grid can no longer be ensured by a central control system. To reduce the complexity of this problem, the joint project "RuBICon" (Rule-Based Initialisation of Converter Dominated Grids) aims to create an energy network that can self-organize and remain stable using predefined protocols for communication and behavior inside the grid.

During a blackout in a future decentralized energy network, a central control system and ordinary communication lines may be unavailable for controlled reconstruction of the grid. Therefore, a new way of decentral communication and local, self-organized formation of small stand-alone networks (so-called island networks) is explored. A protocol is developed which uses information about the status of the grid to control the reconstruction locally, using smart metering and grid-forming converters feeding into the energy network.

The endeavour of the project RuBICon is to help construct energy networks consisting of only renewable energy sources in a way that requires no further large power stations or central control units. It aims to provide these future decentralized grids with all ancillary services needed for a stable operation.